Can radiology be 70% faster and more accurate? Meet Raygenic.

At Raygenic, our goal is to put innovative solutions and technologies in the service of radiologists. Our app is like a reliable helper to streamline daily tasks and speed up diagnostics.
It’s much more than a tool, it’s a daily companion: using AI to help you organise your work and testing to make them easier, faster and more efficient, so you can focus better and use less energy. Read more to find out how it works.
It’s much more than a tool, it’s a daily companion: using AI to help you organise your work and testing to make them easier, faster and more efficient, so you can focus better and use less energy. Read more to find out how it works.
It will optimise your daily tasks
Our app will put your tasks in the right order, queue them and automatically assign them to specific doctors, making your work smooth-running and efficient. Radiologists will have easy access to descriptions of patients’ previous examinations. This will allow them to proceed with their assigned tasks without wasting time on searching for and collecting the data of a particular case.
It will speed up diagnostics
At Raygenic, testing and diagnostics are supported by artificial intelligence. AI checks all X-ray images against available medical databases to detect potential abnormalities and then submits the case for further analysis to a doctor. Raygenic assists in the creation of X-ray descriptions, relieving radiologists of repetitive work.
It will boost work comfort
In order to create Raygenic, we consulted the medical community at every stage of the process. We already had a good grasp of what bothered radiologists very early on and went on to create an app that is clear to use and runs smoothly regardless of who produced your testing devices and equipment.
It will improve lesions detection
Raygenic harnesses the powers of AI technology to interpret, systematise and categorise X-ray images based on previous patient results, medical databases and similar cases, so as to detect potential abnormalities at a very early stage.

Get Raygenic and bring modern radiology to your facility
We want to take advantage of technology to provide more patients to opportunity for quick and reliable diagnosis. This will give them earlier disease detection and treatment, ultimately giving the patient the gift of opportunity to live longer. To this end, we have created an app that will assist your radiologists in their everyday tasks. Raygenic relies on artificial intelligence and advanced IT technologies to streamline processes and enhance performance to a degree never before seen. At the same time, it eases the burden on doctors and relieves them of their most time-consuming daily tasks, which means they can now devote more time to their patients. This is a real revolution in radiology. Let’s talk about how you can make it happen in your facility.